Checking the air in your…house

Leaves on Grass

The leaves are changing and the air has become chilled. The fall is a time for preparation. The colder air causes us to dress warmer and seal up our homes. When we close the windows we also seal out the fresh air and seal in potential dust and mold. It is important to think about … Read more

Home Inspections-Boosting Homebuyer confidence

Table and Flowers

It appears that our housing market may be heading in a positive direction. There is still a great deal of homes on the market and the buyer has a wide range of homes to choose from. Like all of us, buyer are looking for value. Buying a home is one of the most stressful decision … Read more

5 Home tips to do before school starts!

End of Summer

I know that none of us want to admit it but the Summer is drawing to a close. Soon we will be met with tired children that need to be shaken from their slumbers to catch the bus. Schedules will be filled with after school events, play dates and appointments. It is a good time … Read more

How is the quality of the air in your home?

view out window

When breathing could actually be killing you. As we go about our day we encounter many things that can harm us. Most of us do not think about the air we breath as being an issue. Air quality is becoming a greater concern as we discover how it can affect our health. There are many … Read more

Have you checked the antifreeze in your…house?


That is right, if you live anywhere in the northern section of the United States you may have antifreeze in your house. Recently we have had some very cold conditions where the temperature has dropped below freezing. Freezing temperatures of below zero degrees can pose a risk for freezing and burst pipes. Many of us … Read more

Ice Dams

Ice Dam

Winter in New England is harsh and at the same time beautiful. It is inspiring to be surrounded by pristine snow covered fields and hills. Many of us enjoy the snow topped roofs and the spectacular crystalline icicles that adorn our homes. As a home inspector I have the privilege to witness these sights in … Read more